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Go Generic Exploration

The Go team released Go 1.18 Beta 1 on December 14, officially introducing support for generics. For more information, see The Go Blog. I recently downloaded and tried it out.

Download and Installation#

Download and install the beta version according to the official documentation:

 go install

# Note: The following executable files are located in $GOPATH/bin. If the environment variable is not configured, you can manually specify the path.
 go1.18beta1 download 

 go1.18beta1 version
go version go1.18beta1 linux/amd64

Installation is complete!

Simple Experience#

Referring to the official generics documentation, we can easily write a method that sums any addable slice:


Since Go's toolchain has not been updated to support the new syntax, vscode will show syntax errors. However, the actual output of the program matches the expected result.

In-Depth Understanding#

Many people probably want to further understand the syntax and usage of Go's new generics. Unfortunately, it seems that the official documentation only provides the simple documentation mentioned earlier and does not provide a more detailed explanation. Currently, I have only found some third-party generic examples. If you are interested, you can read the code to deepen your understanding.

Personal Thoughts#

Perhaps due to the lack of documentation, just looking at the examples makes it difficult for me to imagine the practical use of generics. What I wanted to try most after getting generics was to implement sorting for slices of multiple types, that is, implementing sort.Interface in bulk:

type Interface interface {
	// Len is the number of elements in the collection.
	Len() int

	// Less reports whether the element with index i
	// must sort before the element with index j.
	// If both Less(i, j) and Less(j, i) are false,
	// then the elements at index i and j are considered equal.
	// Sort may place equal elements in any order in the final result,
	// while Stable preserves the original input order of equal elements.
	// Less must describe a transitive ordering:
	//  - if both Less(i, j) and Less(j, k) are true, then Less(i, k) must be true as well.
	//  - if both Less(i, j) and Less(j, k) are false, then Less(i, k) must be false as well.
	// Note that floating-point comparison (the < operator on float32 or float64 values)
	// is not a transitive ordering when not-a-number (NaN) values are involved.
	// See Float64Slice.Less for a correct implementation for floating-point values.
	Less(i, j int) bool

	// Swap swaps the elements with indexes i and j.
	Swap(i, j int)

After writing for a long time, I still couldn't succeed, so I gave up... If any readers have knowledge about this, I hope you can share your insights in the comments.

I hope to see detailed official documentation on generics in Go as soon as possible!

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