

nintendo switch

The site has changed its theme!

The story begins four days ago...

That day, I was browsing the website as usual when I stumbled upon the blog of DIYgod. Looking at this exquisite theme, I couldn't help but reflect on the extremely rudimentary next theme I was using, and the idea of changing themes began to take root.

Based on the information in the footer, I found the hosting address for the Sagiri theme, downloaded it, configured the _config.yml file, and ran hexo s. I thought that would be the end of it. However, I found that many features were not functioning properly, just as he mentioned in this article:

Although the theme is open source, it is a project for personal use, and many areas that should be customizable have not been made so. From the perspective of open-source projects, it is not well done, and I currently have little interest in creating themes, so please consider carefully before using it.

However, that was a later realization; at the time, I did not see these issues, so I stubbornly began the journey of adding, deleting, and modifying theme files (a lot of details omitted here).

Four days have passed, and through in-depth analysis of the files (which involved deleting many existing modules and then re-adding them), I gained a deep understanding of css, html, and javascript, and learned about the organization of hexo themes (which is non-existent). Thus, I prepared to document the implementation methods of some features of this theme:

  1. No-refresh page transitions/automatic scrolling to the main content

    Implemented using pjax, mainly referenced from this article.

  2. Dynamically modify the title based on page visibility

    // cheat.js
    var OriginTitle = document.title;
    var titleTime;
    document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function () {
        if (document.hidden) {
            $('[rel="icon"]').attr('href', "/images/failure.ico");
            document.title = '╭(°A°`)╮ The page has crashed ~';
        else {
            $('[rel="icon"]').attr('href', "/images/favicon.ico");
            document.title = '(ฅ>ω<*ฅ) It's back to normal~' + OriginTitle;
            titleTime = setTimeout(function () {
                document.title = OriginTitle;
            }, 2000);
  3. Random ribbon background

    // evan-you.js
    /*<canvas id="evanyou"></canvas>*/
    if (document.getElementById('evanyou')) {
      var c = document.getElementById('evanyou'),
        x = c.getContext('2d'),
        pr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1,
        w = window.innerWidth,
        h = window.innerHeight,
        f = 90,
        m = Math,
        r = 0,
        u = m.PI * 2,
        v = m.cos,
        z = m.random
      c.width = w * pr
      c.height = h * pr
      x.scale(pr, pr)
      x.globalAlpha = 0.6
      function evanyou () {
        x.clearRect(0, 0, w, h)
        q = [{ x: 0, y: h * .7 + f }, { x: 0, y: h * .7 - f }]
        while (q[1].x < w + f) d(q[0], q[1])
      function d (i, j) {
        x.moveTo(i.x, i.y)
        x.lineTo(j.x, j.y)
        var k = j.x + (z() * 2 - 0.25) * f,
          n = y(j.y)
        x.lineTo(k, n)
        r -= u / -50
        x.fillStyle = '#' + (v(r) * 127 + 128 << 16 | v(r + u / 3) * 127 + 128 << 8 | v(r + u / 3 * 2) * 127 + 128).toString(16)
        q[0] = q[1]
        q[1] = { x: k, y: n }
      function y (p) {
        var t = p + (z() * 2 - 1.1) * f
        return (t > h || t < 0) ? y(p) : t
      document.onclick = evanyou
      document.ontouchstart = evanyou
  4. Click fireworks effect

    // fireworks.js
    class Circle {
      constructor({ origin, speed, color, angle, context }) {
        this.origin = origin
        this.position = { ...this.origin }
        this.color = color
        this.speed = speed
        this.angle = angle
        this.context = context
        this.renderCount = 0
      draw() {
        this.context.fillStyle = this.color
        this.context.arc(this.position.x, this.position.y, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2)
      move() {
        this.position.x = (Math.sin(this.angle) * this.speed) + this.position.x
        this.position.y = (Math.cos(this.angle) * this.speed) + this.position.y + (this.renderCount * 0.3)
    class Boom {
      constructor ({ origin, context, circleCount = 16, area }) {
        this.origin = origin
        this.context = context
        this.circleCount = circleCount
        this.area = area
        this.stop = false
        this.circles = []
      randomArray(range) {
        const length = range.length
        const randomIndex = Math.floor(length * Math.random())
        return range[randomIndex]
      randomColor() {
        const range = ['8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
        return '#' + this.randomArray(range) + this.randomArray(range) + this.randomArray(range) + this.randomArray(range) + this.randomArray(range) + this.randomArray(range)
      randomRange(start, end) {
        return (end - start) * Math.random() + start
      init() {
        for(let i = 0; i < this.circleCount; i++) {
          const circle = new Circle({
            context: this.context,
            origin: this.origin,
            color: this.randomColor(),
            angle: this.randomRange(Math.PI - 1, Math.PI + 1),
            speed: this.randomRange(1, 6)
      move() {
        this.circles.forEach((circle, index) => {
          if (circle.position.x > this.area.width || circle.position.y > this.area.height) {
            return this.circles.splice(index, 1)
        if (this.circles.length == 0) {
          this.stop = true
      draw() {
        this.circles.forEach(circle => circle.draw())
    class CursorSpecialEffects {
      constructor() {
        this.computerCanvas = document.createElement('canvas')
        this.renderCanvas = document.createElement('canvas')
        this.computerContext = this.computerCanvas.getContext('2d')
        this.renderContext = this.renderCanvas.getContext('2d')
        this.globalWidth = window.innerWidth
        this.globalHeight = window.innerHeight
        this.booms = []
        this.running = false
      handleMouseDown(e) {
        const boom = new Boom({
          origin: { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY },
          context: this.computerContext,
          area: {
            width: this.globalWidth,
            height: this.globalHeight
        this.running ||
      handlePageHide() {
        this.booms = []
        this.running = false
      init() {
        const style =
        style.position = 'fixed' = style.left = 0
        style.zIndex = '999999999999999999999999999999999999999999'
        style.pointerEvents = 'none'
        style.width = this.renderCanvas.width = this.computerCanvas.width = this.globalWidth
        style.height = this.renderCanvas.height = this.computerCanvas.height = this.globalHeight
        window.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleMouseDown.bind(this))
        window.addEventListener('pagehide', this.handlePageHide.bind(this))
      run() {
        this.running = true
        if (this.booms.length == 0) {
          return this.running = false
        this.computerContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.globalWidth, this.globalHeight)
        this.renderContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.globalWidth, this.globalHeight)
        this.booms.forEach((boom, index) => {
          if (boom.stop) {
            return this.booms.splice(index, 1)
        this.renderContext.drawImage(this.computerCanvas, 0, 0, this.globalWidth, this.globalHeight)
    const cursorSpecialEffects = new CursorSpecialEffects()
  5. Fixed sidebar

    Implemented using affix, mainly referenced from this article.

  6. valine comment system supports pjax

    Referenced this issue.

Sigh, changing a theme is really too difficult; I don't plan to change it again within a year!

Alright, I'm done writing, time to sleep XD!

2020.1.30 23:12:33

The entire site has migrated from github to coding, significantly improving browsing speed in China. (Hong Kong servers are indeed great!)

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.